Tag Archives: community management

community management

Top 10 Condo Association Management Myths

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As a CEO of a condo management company over the last 13 years, I have come across some interesting beliefs shared by board members, homeowners and people affiliated with the industry in some way, shape or form.  So here are the top 10 myths: MYTH: Hiring a low cost/cheap condo association company saves the condo […]

Top 10 Reasons When You SHOULD Fire Your Community Property Management Company!

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Attention board members of community associations!  Do you live in a condo, townhome, or HOA association?  Do you have a community property management company?  If you have a property manager, you are probably relieved that you don’t have to work as hard as before because the property manager will take care of the issues. Unfortunately, […]

Don’t FLUSH your association’s money down the toilet!

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As a board member and homeowner of a condo, townhome, or HOA community, it is critical that you hire a highly skilled and accountable management company.   Hiring the WRONG community property management company can adversely impact your association in many ways. Leaks, floods, overspending on projects are just some of the issues that may result […]

Chicago Property Services is Now on Pinterest

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Did you know that CPS is now on Pinterest? It is a really cool social media tool that allows people to share their interests pictorially and it is a great way for companies to share about their company in a story board type of format. Feel free to check us out. Here is the link: CPS […]

Chicagoland Cooperator Event: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:00AM-4:30PM at the Navy Pier Convention Center

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Trusted by thousands, The Chicagoland Condo, HOA, Co-op & Apt. Expo is the leading real estate trade show in Chicago. Join board and association members, property managers, homeowners and apartment building owners, meet building service companies, attend educational seminars and get your questions answered. Don’t miss this very special event specifically for board members and […]

10 Crucial Things Your Community Management Company SHOULD Be Doing

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1. Statistics show there is high percentage of associations who plan their budget only one year in advance. Is your association part of that group? Best run associations have a 5 year capital plan, which allows for better planning, better budgeting and lesser reliance on special assessments to fund capital improvements and replacements. This results in less […]

Pros and Cons to Social Media for Community Associations

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A growing question within the community association industry is whether or not community associations should have a presence within social media.  Today I will discuss the pros and cons. Pros: 1. Easy access to building and community updates by board members and homeowners 2. Easy systems to learn, no expensive or lengthy training needed for […]

Top 10 Tips: Avoid Getting Buried In Snow

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Now that the fall season is upon us, that can only mean one thing.  Old Man Winter is right around the corner!  And the good news is that many associations have enjoyed savings over the past few years due to the mild winters that we have experienced around the Chicago area.  The question is are […]

Top 10 Tips on Preparing the 2014 Budget for your Community Association

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The time has arrived to start focusing on the preparation and approval of the 2014 budget for your community association.  In order for community associations to create and maintain healthy reserves and to have financial stability, it is critical for associations to budget properly.  This means not only preparing and approving an annual operating budget […]