Tag Archives: Community Association Best Practices

Community Association Best Practices

How to Property Plan and Fund Large Scale Capital Projects. A Primer for Condo Association Board Members

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Fund Large Scale Capital Projects.   Proper planning and funding capital projects for condo association communities is crucial for maintaining property value and ensuring an enjoyable community living experience for the homeowners. Here are some of the best practices and approaches: 1. Reserve Studies: o Consider hiring a company that specializes in reserve studies. These […]

Top 10 Ways to Drive UP Homeowner Engagement in Your Community Association

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Why do people choose a community association such as a condo, townhome or homeowner association? Is it because they want a maintenance-free living experience and chances to meet and mingle with neighbors? Or, are they looking to feud with people about noise issues such as barking dogs, revving motorcycles and upstairs neighbors walking in high […]

The 10 Best Ways to Improve Community Association Living

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One of the most impactful elements of community living is the quality of the relationship between the board of directors and the community property management company. This relationship can really influence the community living experience for board members, homeowners and residents alike. Unfortunately, the relationship’s health is often overlooked and either the board or a board […]

How to BOOST Your 2017 Condo Association Balance Sheet

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After having served in the community association industry for over 15 years, I have decided to start sharing some of the immense knowledge that I have accumulated. Having an electrical engineering background, my forte was not writing initially. In fact, I don’t even ever remember taking a writing class during my university studies. That said, […]

Condo Association Capital Projects Made Easy – 6 Simple Steps

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As a board of directors for a condo association, townhome association, or HOA, one of your biggest responsibilities is to ensure capital projects are properly funded and implemented.  Unfortunately, this is an area that tends to create some of the most challenging problems for associations – especially since capital projects involve large amounts of money. […]

ACTHA presents the SPRING 2015 Educational Conference on Saturday, April 18 at Drury Lane in Oakbrook

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When: Saturday, April 18Where: Drury Lane in OakbrookRegister HERE Are you a vendor looking to expand your presence within the condo association industry?  Are you a property manager specializing on condo property management?  Are you a board of director serving on a board of an IL based community association? I strongly urge you to consider […]

Attention Condo Managers, Board Presidents and Vendors: Don’t miss the Chicagoland Cooperator’s Spring Expo, May 16, 2015

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When: Saturday, May 16, 2015Expo Location: Donald E. Stephens Convention CenterRegister HERE Attention condo and townhome association board members and presidents!  You won’t want to miss the upcoming spring expo hosted by the Chicagoland Cooperator.  Come meet prospective condo new management firms and prospective new vendors.  Learn about the latest IL laws that affect condo, […]

Condoboss Q&A #8: How Proper HVAC Maintenance Helps Condo Associations and HOA Communities Save Time and Money

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In the latest edition of the Condoboss Q&A series, Salvatore J. Sciacca sat down and interviewed Michael Carpenter, the VP and GM of service at YMI Mechanical and asked him questions on how to help community associations properly maintain their HVAC equipment AND save time and money. Condoboss (CB): What are the best ways to properly […]

Top 10 Do’s and Dont’s For Your 2015 Community Association Budget

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What are the Top 10 Do’s and Dont’s Before Approving Your 2015 Community Association Budget? Believe it or not, it’s already time to start planning, preparing and approving the 2015 budget for your condo, townhome or HOA community association.  This process is actually one of the most critical elements of creating and sustaining a healthy […]

How Healthy is Your Community Association? The TRUTH might SHOCK You!

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Do you live in a condominium association? A townhome association? Or an HOA? Do you find yourself wondering if there is better community association living out there somewhere? When you first moved into your community, perhaps you were probably hoping for something stress free and were looking for a place with HIGH community spirit. A […]