Tag Archives: chicago condo associations

Chicago condo associations

Best Board Member Budget Practices REVEALED

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  Approving the annual community association operating budget is one of the most important obligations of the board of directors.  It is also the duty of the board treasurer to take the lead in this endeavor and ensure that a budget is approved in a timely fashion i.e. before the end of 2018 and in […]

How Much Should Our Association Have in Reserves? Fully Funded, Partially Funded or Under Funded is the Better Question.

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One of the most widely asked question by the condo community association board Treasurer is how much should be in the reserves.  Another typical question which is essentially the same is “How much should our association put away into the reserves as a part of our annual budget”?  The answer is far from simple especially […]

Best Ways to BLOW Your 2017 Condo Association Budget

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Are you serving on the board of directors of a community association? Do you spend more time than you care to admit volunteering for the board? Do you even realize that you should have already approved your 2017 budget or should have a budget approval meeting coming up within the next few weeks? Well let […]

How Healthy is Your Community Association? The TRUTH might SHOCK You!

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Do you live in a condominium association? A townhome association? Or an HOA? Do you find yourself wondering if there is better community association living out there somewhere? When you first moved into your community, perhaps you were probably hoping for something stress free and were looking for a place with HIGH community spirit. A […]

The Secrets to Stress Free Condo Association Capital Improvements Revealed!

Salvatore Sciacca and Brandon Eberhardt

Brandon Eberhardt is the Director of Property Services at Chicago Property Services.  He is a Senior Construction Professional with a proven track record of maximizing the talents of a team while maximizing profits for p & l centers and individual projects. Brandon has a high energy level, strong work ethic and a drive to succeed.  […]

Top 10 Ways for Condo Associations To SLASH Expenses

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What are the best ways for condo associations to SAVE money?  Today more than ever condo associations all over the U.S. are looking for more and more ways to save money.  So here are top 10 most effective ways for condo associations to save money: Hire a more effective condo management company.  One of the […]

Why some condo management companies charge low fees and deliver poor service?

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This is a question that I have pondered for a long time. And this question really applies to all service industries especially the community property management industry. As a business owner, I get that businesses are usually looking to add new clients. But at what expense? So here are my thoughts on how some companies […]

The ACTHA Spring 2014 Trade Show is HERE: Saturday April 12, 2014

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To get more information on the ACTHA event, click HERE. For the registration form, click HERE Click HERE for the full brochure. Attention board members, homeowners, and vendors serving the community association industry!  The ACTHA 2014 Spring conference is fast approaching. As a board member, you will have a chance to attend seminars that will help […]

Top 10 Portfolio Condo Management Companies in Chicago

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Who are the best portfolio condo management companies in Chicago? It’s a question I have often pondered and thousands of board members around Chicago have thought about as well.  In order to answer that properly, the following questions  need to be asked and answered first: RESPONSE TIMES – What level of service are you looking […]

Condoboss TOP 10: The HIGH Cost of Cheap Condo Management

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About the author:  Salvatore J. Sciacca aka “Condoboss” is the President and Founder of Chicago Property Services and is the nation’s foremost expert on community association matters. Salvatore’s contact information is: ssciacca@chicagopropertyservices and 312-455-0107 x102 MORE LIVING. LESS WORRYING.  www.chicagopropertyservices.com I get it.  Board of directors are looking for ways to cut costs especially in times […]